This month FLEW by and I feel like anyone that you talk to will say the same thing!! I can’t believe we only have THREE months left in 2019 as well, how wild is that? This month was a GOOD month though despite flying by!
Highlights from the month:
- Lots of date nights with Naveen, lots of phone calls while driving and facetiming <3
- Celebrating Ganapati with my family and friends!
- Investing in a group coaching program that I am SUPER stoked about! Looking for the accountability and support to tackle some REALLY big goals for this upcoming year and really battle imposter syndrome! Also really looking forward to our in person retreat in January in Waco, TX! I’ve never been to the state before and I’m excited to adventure and spend some time with other ladies gaining some new perspective on what I can do better in business!
- Lunch and dinner dates with my brother! We had a fun time at Cafesano, Chipotle, North Italia in RTC! I always love spending one on one time with him even when he annoys me on the reg
- Soaking in the last of the summer weather and working with the windows open while simultaneously burning a candle getting ready for the fall weather
- Photographing Kim & Jimmy’s engagement session at Carter’s Mountain with the BEAUTIFUL views was definitely such a highlight! They were so chill and fun to hang out with! Coming back for round two with friends and more bold rock and apple cider doughnuts was also totally not regrettable
- Absolutely loved Morgan & Zach as well as Madhu & Colin’s weddings! Couldn’t have asked for sweeter September clients to document their big days with! Totally living vicariously through Madhu & Colin as they venture around Santorini which has always been on my bucket list 🙂
- Washingtonian publication! A link to this coming soon, this publication has been at the top of my list for a while!
- Pumpkin Spice Lattes resurface again! I’ve also loved time watercoloring fall favorites
- Listening to some new podcasts like So Here’s the Thing, The Business Life & Joy Podcast, and Work & Play
- Loved reading Traction by Gino Wickman and it’s putting even more of a system to how I was essentially running my business already!
- Getting to catch up with some of my second photographers for the year during a quick Google Chat was one of my meetings from the month!
- Wineries of the month: Boxwood Vineyard in Middleburg & Blenheim Vineyard in Charlottesville! I’m looking to explore the cute town of Middleburg a little more in the future
- UVA Football win!! I got to watch this game on TV and it was so fun to watch
- NYC Birthday Trip!!! See pictures below and I’ll be sure to recap this soon
- Using Pilot’s erasable Frixion pens in my Simplified Planner! This is probably the weirdest thing to include in here but I am a pen and paper gal through and through along with my love for digital tools! I’ve loved using these bc I often having business tasks and appointments that are constantly moving around in my schedule! Heads up, this is an affiliate link but I only post ones that I truly care about and use on almost a daily basis!
- Going minimal / makeup free for the majority of the month has been really freeing and nice!Struggles from this month:
- Trying to tie a sari and failing epically LOL I had gotten it the first time and it started unraveling after I had tied it on the morning I was supposed to wear it
- Walking around blocks of DC like 5 times trying to find where I parked my car while carrying saps
- Talon being donated 🙁 If you didn’t hear this, I posted about it on Instagram, truly the end of an era
- I went to get an oil change that should have taken 25 minutes but ended up taking over an hour and I’ve never been so stressed driving a giant car around a busy car park
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