
Julie & Deep – Virginia Tech Blacksburg Wedding Photographer

April 25, 2019

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates
I’m Manali
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Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

I’m so excited to photograph Julie & Deep’s wedding in Blacksburg next year and after facetiming them initially I was super excited to meet them both IN PERSON at Virginia Tech for their engagement session! Julie & Deep met even before they actually started at Virginia Tech for college! They were both enrolled in a summer program before most other students came to the campus. Deep had wandered over to Julie’s group after having gotten bored with his own. At Julie’s group though, no one was really talking (classic engineers haha!) and so Deep trying to cut through that awkwardness so characteristic of starting off college, started asking everyone a lot of questions right off the bat!

Julie knew right from the beginning that he was being ever so flirty but had better things to be thinking about, trying to get off on the right foot with the crazy engineering schedule. They ran into each over the course of the next couple of weeks but it wasn’t until he asked for movie suggestions for a movie theater that she was working at that Deep made the move and GAVE her his phone number! Not so subtle flirting anymore haha! Their first date was to a fair that’s in the streets of the main downtown area of Virginia Tech. And among some of their earlier memories of dating, Deep would always drop by the library to lend his jacket and eventually his blanket to Julie who’d be nestled up cranking out problem sets and studying for exams! How sweet is that?!

They had known that they wanted to hit three years of dating before considering getting married but right after they hit their milestone, they started talking about it pretty regularly! They actually picked out her engagement ring together (it’s gorgeous, see examples below). So Julie knew that he would be proposing, she just wasn’t sure of where or how yet! The story of how he DID propose is pretty epic with Deep trying to fly the engagement ring to Julie on a drone but accidentally cutting his hand in the process. And as Deep was trying to propose to her, all Julie could really focus on was trying to help him fix his hand, missing the RING part of things entirely haha! But finally, she saw the ring, figured out what was going on, and said YES in front of her family all right before the holiday time!

I know their wedding is a whole year away but I know it’s going to be one of my favorite ones of all time! These two are are not only so cute together, they really made me feel welcome and at home at Virginia Tech and I know that’ll extend to all their guests at their wedding, they’re just THOSE kinds of people πŸ™‚ But until then, here are their engagement photos πŸ™‚

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

She found this dress on Amazon and it’s INCREDIBLE!!

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

Girl, you’re gorgeous!

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Julie&Deep-VirgniaWeddingPhotographer-BlacksburgVirginiaTechEngagementSession-Blog-022 Julie&Deep-VirgniaWeddingPhotographer-BlacksburgVirginiaTechEngagementSession-Blog-023 Julie&Deep-VirgniaWeddingPhotographer-BlacksburgVirginiaTechEngagementSession-Blog-026 Julie&Deep-VirgniaWeddingPhotographer-BlacksburgVirginiaTechEngagementSession-Blog-027 Julie&Deep-VirgniaWeddingPhotographer-BlacksburgVirginiaTechEngagementSession-Blog-028 Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

Was so glad we could do their engagement session during graduation season and get them some pictures of BOTH!! Such a crazy hectic but special time in their lives πŸ™‚

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

Love their grad caps! Julie could double as a model but she’s ACTUALLY a kickass aerospace engineer and Deep is working to become a dietician!

Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech GraduatesVirginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech GraduatesVirginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates Virginia Wedding Photographer photographs Blacksburg Engagement Session for Virginia Tech Graduates

Their graduation portraits together totally remind me of Sachi & Kunal’s ones at Virginia Tech! If you haven’t seen those yet, you should check them out as well πŸ™‚

Here’s other related blog posts to scroll through!

Sachi & Kunal’s Graduation Portraits

Surabhi & Anish’s Virginia Tech Proposal

Shivani’s Virginia Tech Graduation Portraits

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