Staring at a blank page that’s full of expectations & possibilities is quite frightening. It’s the same feeling you get when you’re about to embark on a paper for school (not that I would know much about this since I’m an engineer major). This feeling though encompasses what it feels like to finally share my passion. The foundation, the ideas, the hope, the potential is all there but it doesn’t take any concrete shape or form until you pen (or well, type in today’s world) it down here. However, one by one I’ve been detailing all of my “firsts.” My first post on my Facebook page, my first time shooting a bridal shower, my first time designing a photo album for a client, and my first blog post! These probably seem like simple steps but for me they’re monumental. I get super nervous putting all of my hard work out to the world to be viewed, critiqued, and hopefully enjoyed. But once it’s out there, it’s finally concrete and it’s real. It usually turns out to be just as satisfying as it is nerve-wracking to see something that you toll over and that you love wholeheartedly get sent out to the world. Here’s to many more of these firsts!
Make sure to go on and take a look at some of the pictures I had the honor of capturing during the beginning of the summer at UVA. I got to help Megan & Tim celebrate their anniversary and take cap & gown pictures for Meklit & Apoorva!