For this month’s recap, I actually went back and read through all the other recaps from this year so far! I can’t believe we’re already halfway through 2019. I feel like I’ve accomplished a good deal but also have so much more that’s coming up that’s been in the pipes SINCE January!
Highlights from the month:
- Living Proof dry shampoo, GAME CHANGER hahahaha
- Traveling to Charleston with friends!! I’ll have to put up a Charleston recap on here soon!
- I made a really big decision for my business and decided to outsource part of my editing to a dear and trusted friend! I’m excited to see how this opens up time for bigger dream projects that I have for down the road
- Watching Aladdin with my mom!!
- Launched the brand new brand!!! The website refresh took me over 25 hours but has definitely felt well worth it with all the positive feedback and encouragement I’ve gotten! So if you’re one of those people that let me know what you thought, THANK YOU!! Also, a HUGE shout out to Alex Collier for walking me through the whole branding process and putting together something that I absolutely LOVE that reflects my business so well!
- Creative at Heart!!!! I’m currently actually AT the conference as this post goes live so I’ll definitely be doing a recap once I get back
- Getting to hang with some photographer friends AS friends and not just working alongside them! This is the BIGGEST thing that made this month amazing!
- Having last weekend off to celebrate some friends engagements sans camera!
- Reading outside
- Getting to go to Carter Mountain’s sunset series for the VERY first time!
Not so fun things too because, transparency:
- When something isn’t a good fit, and you know it, and you reluctantly have to pass it on
- Slamming my knee against a nail on our kitchen table, I am a total klutz around the house sometimes
- Filling up the gas tank, repeatedly hahaha
- You know when you print something and envision it being perfect and then it’s not?!
- I hate going to the doctor. Even for normal things like an annual physical.
That’s all for this month, here’s some fun pictures taken on my iPhone of #reallife from around here!
If you enjoyed this post you should check these out as well