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    The Big One Oh Oh! – Friday Fun

    November 29, 2017

    I’m Manali
    Business coach, editor & brand photographer based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. When I'm teaching about systems or editing, you'll find me at a vineyard or cuddled with my cat Keegan on our cozy couch!
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    THIS IS MY 100th PUBLISHED BLOG POST!! It’s crazy to think I’ve made it this far! I used to be really inconsistent about blogging but made it a priority for this year and it will remain one for next year as well! A very big shout out goes to Sohum for always making sure that I posted and stuck to it 😀 I can’t wait to share more beautiful weddings on here next year! With that said, here’s some of the highlights from this week!

    – The perk of being on the bench is that I can work remotely aka from any coffee shop of my choice! The past week or so’s round-ups have included new places that I got to try out plus my “staples.” I have been to my neighborhood Starbucks a handful of times, my trusty Republik, but also branched out to several Peets coffees in D.C, Le Pain Quotidien (until it got very crowded for lunch), Pret A Manger (can you tell I have a thing for French cafes?), Blue Bottle Coffee in Georgetown, Dolcezza at CityCenter (a new favorite), and my OVERALL favorite being Swing’s Coffee! Their cappuccino WAS THE BEST I’VE EVER HAD!!!! Next up on the list is Compass Coffee in D.C! If you’ve been, let me know what to get!

    – I decided to be spontaneous and try a drink I’d never had before called a Gibraltar, only to realize after looking it up that it includes TWO shots of straight espresso with a little bit of milk. Safe to say I was WIRED that afternoon but definitely got a lot of work done so hey, not too bad!

    – I ran into a photographer whose work I’ve been following for a while now while at a coffee shop! And I ACTUALLY said hi! Hahaha if you know me, I’m kinda shy at first so actually saying hi and starting a conversation instead of fangirling in the corner was a big step! Plus she was super nice, relatable and very genuine 🙂

    – My mom came home from India!!! It feels like it’s been forever and I’ve missed having her at home so I was super glad to have her back. My mom is the sweetest person, a calming force in my life and it was weird to spend Thanksgiving and part of this holiday season without her. But she got to be a part of her cousin’s wedding in India and visit her family there which was nice!

    – Jontell and my styled shoot finally got picked up for publication!!!!!! That’ll be my first piece of published work ever and even though it’s not on a crazy huge website, I’M SO STOKED!!!!

    – Editing this GORGEOUS Christmas themed wedding of two UVA Alumni (GO HOOS!!) and dying all over again over their first look and portraits at the Jefferson Memorial 🙂 Hannah’s blog post just went live and I literally CAN NOT WAIT (!!) to share mine next week! I have it all queued up and ready to go 🙂

    – I  met up with Christina of Happily Hitched finally after planning this out for literally months! It was so nice to finally catch up over some delicious French food and hear about how her weddings went in 2017 and get excited about our business goals for 2018!

    – This might sound weird, but I got to talk to Naveen a lot!! After he finished up with his two med school interviews. Going even a day without talking to him a lot feels really weird, so I was glad that he finished up with his kinda stressful travel/work/interview days 🙂 Only to head right back into finals, I know. But still! Getting to facetime him after a long time of not being able to talk to him constantly was really really nice <3


    PC: Jontell of Jontell Vanessa Photography


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