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    Friday Fun – We Made It to Take 10!!!

    October 13, 2017

    I’m Manali
    Business coach, editor & brand photographer based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. When I'm teaching about systems or editing, you'll find me at a vineyard or cuddled with my cat Keegan on our cozy couch!
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    Made it to a tenth Friday Fun, wow that’s pretty cool! I guess I’ll do ten things from this week in honor of the big ten haha!

    1. I had an amazing time second shooting with Caity for Liz & Luis’ wedding, you can see the blog post from their sweet wedding here!
    2. Totally thought there was a Redskins game on Sunday after practice and not only did I have to 1. Call my brother to figure out how to work a TV (computers I get, TV’s remain a mystery) but 2. There was no game…..but I’m pumped for this Sunday!!! 3. My fantasy team lost so I no longer have a great record….at least it lasted a couple of weeks!
    3. My parents both had Columbus day off so I spent it at home with them 🙂 My mom and I went to the mall for a sort of day date, it was a lot of  fun!
    4. I’m quickly realizing I don’t have 10 cool things to share from this week because it was just a lot of me sitting on my bed in my apartment or at a coffee shop getting work done hahaha. But it does remind me of my mom telling me she wanted to have a “Manali” day where she would go sit somewhere outside or at a coffeeshop and do work there. So apparently I have a trademark on that now!! Feels pretty cool, not gonna lie!
    5. Speaking of family, I told my brother that I was doubting going full-time with photography down the road and he was super surprised. He told me he just assumed it was something I was going to do at some point a.k.a. the biggest vote of faith or confidence I’ve gotten from anyone! It kinda shocked me to hear that but in a really good way! If you guys don’t know, Sohum could probably be my manager and is the biggest supporter I think I will ever have 🙂 He makes sure I get blog posts out (which is good because I get SO nervous every time I post them…), he makes sure I post about them too, he calls out my grammar mistakes, he helped test my website when I redid it, I’m pretty sure half of my blog traffic is probably from him but I would take that any time, any day 🙂 I need to get him the little #1 Fan foam finger thing!
    6. Lacy & Latisha’s Chestnut Hill Elopement was yesterday in Orange, VA!! I drove down 29 and to Orange, photographed their intimate fall ceremony with their family and then drove all the way back home and made it into D.C. at night for practice! Yesterday was seriously one CRAZY day but I couldn’t have asked for a day filled with doing more things that I love 🙂
    7. I’m leaving for NYC today!!! If you guys have suggestions of where to eat/drink/see (notice the order), let me know!! Can’t wait to see a bunch of people I haven’t seen in a while & share pictures from all the fun!!! It feels like a good break in between this crazy week and next week which is also, you guessed it, crazy! Will keep you updated on NYC travels in another blog post soon

    ANDDD the cutest first look goes to these two!!

    1. 2017-10-09_0023


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