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    georgetown chilling, pizza & wine!

    June 28, 2018

    I’m Manali
    Business coach, editor & brand photographer based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. When I'm teaching about systems or editing, you'll find me at a vineyard or cuddled with my cat Keegan on our cozy couch!
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    Happy Fourth of July Monday!!! This blog post is brought to you once again by forgoing people watching and writing on the metro instead! Going to keep it real honest here, these past two weeks have been a little tough emotionally as I try to figure out what my next steps in life are. That paired with work getting really crazy was not quite the greatest combination. Isn’t it ironic that the more people that are going out on vacation, the crazier it seems to get in the office? Anyways,  I started realizing it’s been just about over a year since graduating college and although I’m happy with the way things are right now, I think there’s a lot of improvement to be made and I’m trying not to allow myself to settle too much and avoid change just because it’s difficult. So we’ll see how that goes, I still have a while until any big changes for now!

    But onto the more fun, light-hearted things that may or may not matter but this past week & weekend interesting!

    – Sleeping in on a Saturday is a RARE concept around here but I didn’t have a wedding, so sleep in I did!! I knocked out some editing in the morning! The rest of the day was spent chilling with Sachi and walking all around Georgetown for a festival that ended before we got there apparently hahaha We did end up getting tacos, spending wayy too much time in the sun, grabbing drinks by the riverside with some friends, and eating at my favorite pizza place for dinner! The night was capped with some more wine & Bold Rock so safe to say it was a fun time 🙂

    – Pulling together Heather and Doug ‘s wedding blog post made me soooo happy!! It was such a fun day 😁 I’ve been going through and editing the rest of their pictures and if you think their blog post is long, they’re about to have the world’s largest gallery!! With all their portraits but also all the fun small moments throughout the day!

     – I’m excited for the 4th of July fireworks! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to see the huge DC ones! Crowds, metro woes, stand aside!! D.C. fireworks & Capitol views, I’m finally coming for you!!

    – Talking to my friend Jontell made this week better. She keeps me sane through mini freak outs and always understands what I’m feeling as a fellow photographer and business owner but still has years on me and has really solid advice!! Also the girl is in Disney so check out her Insta if you want to follow along with the fun she’s been having!

    – I’ve been on a Tivoli coffee kick this past week!! Their hazelnut cappuccino and caramel macchiato are SO on point! the first sip is simply magical! If you’re every near Ballston metro check it out, it’s the cutest little place AND it has pastries and wine sooo who could not love it hahaha

     – While I’ve been on an editing kick, I’ve been trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible! I LOVE summer and I know I’m going to miss it so much when it turns cold again, so I’m trying to take as much advantage of the summer sun and heat while I can! That being said, it’s starting to get REALLY hot again lately! I do this weird thing where I stand the 90+ degree heat for entirely too long without using my car’s AC. My old car that I used for over 6 years never had AC and I think I do it out of some weird loyalty to it hahaha

    That’s all for this time! If you enjoyed this post, you may also like:

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    Manifesting generator, cognitive & computer science major turned business coach + editor

    I went from charging $600 per wedding to $5-10K and went full-time within 1 year of starting my biz! Now I help creative small business owners show up confidently behind the scenes with 1:1 business coaching, editing and elevated brand imagery to build a life and business that's equally freeing as it is fulfilling.



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