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    Nakul & Lakshmi’s Georgetown Proposal & Woodbridge Engagement Party

    July 19, 2017

    I’m Manali
    Business coach, editor & brand photographer based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. When I'm teaching about systems or editing, you'll find me at a vineyard or cuddled with my cat Keegan on our cozy couch!
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    I had the honor of capturing Nakul and Lakshmi’s Georgetown proposal this past weekend!!! Him and Lakshmi flew in from Boston to spend what would end up being the perfect weekend in D.C. and Woodbridge. I had worked with my friend Neha, Nakul’s younger sister, to help plan out THE perfect proposal. Nakul knew he wanted to propose in the middle of the Meditation Circle at Georgetown Waterfront after brunch with Lakshmi. Neha and I went to scope out the details like where he would need to stand, where her and Aarthi, Lakshmi’s younger sister, would hide, and where I would take pictures from to capture the big moment. This fun time included me actually kneeling down on one knee while she took a video so she could show to Nakul who wouldn’t be able to be here until the big weekend!

    The day of the proposal things ran so smoothly and even ahead of schedule!! We asked everyone around us to leave the circle empty as the couple approached and some people also hid in the bushes with Neha and Aarthi to watch as the big moment went down. I pretended to be a (very well dressed & intrigued) tourist taking pictures of everything around me like the bridge, the trees, birds, and flowers while sneakily trying to capture Nakul in Lakshmi in my shots without her noticing! Nakul led Lakshmi to the center of the circle and with purple tulips that had been delivered at brunch to Leopold’s Kafe in hand, Lakshmi laughed at something he said and then smiled SO BIG as she watched Nakul get down on one knee to ask the most important question of their lives. Everything made sense then: why her parents were gone for the weekend without telling her, why Aarthi and Neha had joined them in D.C., why Nakul brought up all these sweet things as they had spent the morning walking around; it all fell into place. They shared a kiss and a hug and then Nakul gave the thumbs up to everyone who had been watching from a distance and they all started cheering! Everyone came out to congratulate the newly engaged couple including some of their friends who had run into the proposal in the making while walking around D.C. There were so many more hugs, lots of ogling at Lakshmi’s gorgeous new ring, champagne to be shared, and photos taken of the whole crew together!

    After the proposal crew went out to drinks at Martin’s Tavern and later in the day Neha drove them back to Nakul’s house where family was waiting to congratulate them as they walked in the door. And to Lakshmi’s surprise, not only was there family there, but there were SO many of Nakul and Lakshmi’s friends from UVA & William and Mary that yelled “SURPRISE!!!” as she walked out to their backyard patio. Toasts were made, cake was cut, impromptu speeches were called for to ring in the new couple. One of the sweetest moments was when Lakshmi was surprised by a note and a special gift from her grandparents. All in all, it was the most perfect day! I’m so excited for this couple and I’m so honored that I was asked to take pictures of all of these big moments for them!! Below are some of my favorites from throughout the day!

    To the Kadaba & Ram family, thank you guys soo much for welcoming me into your homes and hearts during this amazing time of your lives uniting your two families. I can’t wait to hear more about all the planning for the big day!! Nakul & Lakshmi good luck and enjoy life as a newly engaged couple!!! It’s been a long time in the works but I know that you guys will get even closer during this time 🙂 I hope you’ll be able to look back at these pictures as the wedding day approaches and remember all of the love and the support of your families as you go onto a new chapter in life!


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