UVA Graduation Portraits

Friday Fun | Take 2

June 23, 2017

I’m Manali
Integrator, business coach and wedding editor based out of Covington KY. Most often found cuddled with my cat Keegan or sipping a cappuccino or wine, dependin' on the hour! 
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I Want To Tune In!

Man this past week just flew by! If you’re new to Friday Fun on the blog, check out Take 1 first! Here’s some memorable parts of this past week:

– I got to celebrate (and take pictures) of Rupali’s backyard CMU themed graduation party! Her place was packed with a white tent, corn hole, a moon bounce, speakers, food and best of all, all of her school and family friends! If you missed it on the blog, check out this post to see more of the beautiful decorations & hear more about it!

– I had gone to Taste of the Town, a foodie festival where you get to try samples from various local restaurants, on Friday with Naveen but my family decided to go again on Saturday. You can never have too many samples I guess so I went along!Β It was pretty dark out so I tested out my camera’s lowlight functionality. I also ran into some friends which was awesome πŸ™‚

-Sunday was Father’s Day which meant the morning was spent running to Harris Teeter to get the supplies to make EGGS BENEDICT!!! This brunch meal is a total tradition in our household, I even wrote a college application essay for it many years ago! In the evening we went to Gregorio’s Trattoria for dinner with my best friend’s family. They had really great wine, tiramasu and coffee! My brother and Sachi’s brother were dared to finish their ginormous pizza which didn’t end up happening hahaha They ended up finishing it on Tuesday where we each took the Sorting Hat quiz. Some funny photos from the reactions are below!

– I pulled a total Mom moment and geeked out in HomeGoods (it’s actually a great store) and bought some beautiful pillows hahaha

– A not so fun highlight was that one night I had already taken out my contacts in my bathroom and was about to go to sleep when I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I dismissed it because I thought I was just imagining it (I have REALLY bad eyesight without my contacts on, like realllyyyy bad). But two seconds later I felt something CRAWLING ON MY ARM. Needless to say, I FREAKED OUT, it was a spider and I ran into my brother’s room and woke him up, yes I’m pathetic, I know…..

-I went to my first TuesdaysTogether meeting!!! This is huge because I’ve been meaning to go for like a year but never mustered up the courage since I never knew anyone at them. I didn’t this time either but I went and I was so glad because I got to talk to a bunch of other creatives in the wedding industry and made some friends. Everyone was so incredibly welcoming and open, I definitely plan on going back again!! Also, I met up with another photographer in the area, Maddy Williams of Maddy Williams Photography, later in the week (check her stuff out, it’s great!!). I met her at Blend Coffee Bar in Ashburn (just about the cutest place with GREAT coffee, if you’e never been). We talked about pretty much everything, photography and otherwise and it was actually super helpful and fun!! Here’s a snap of JUST how cute Blend is, definitely one of my favorite coffee shops!

– Today I’m prepping gear for second shooting a wedding in Fredericksburg for a high school friend!!! It’ll be my first one of the season so I’m totally pumped!!! πŸ™‚ The colors are wisteria, royal purple, white and gold which I just know is going to look beautiful already! The venue is GREAT and the couple is laid-back, I just need the weather to cooperate and it’ll be a golden time!


That is all for this week, catch again next week!

Past Friday Fun editions:

Take 1 | Take 2

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