$297 $197

Quarterly Quickstart - Custom Made 90-Day Business Plan To Map Out Your Next Business Growth Projects Into Easy-T-Complete Tasks

Wish someone would just tell you what to do when in your business? Enter the Quarterly Quickstart!

Your purchase includes:

Questionnaire — So I can get to know your goals, your strengths & your schedule before I map out your custom plan

Your Quarterly Quickstart Plan — In Trello, Asana or Google Doc/Cal

"I wish someone would just tell me what to do!!" I hear this ALL the time as a coach. I specialize in helping you break down your business goals and projects into tangible action steps and mapping them out to your calendar — custom based on YOUR strengths and work schedule. So you know EXACTLY what to tackle every day when you open up your Macbook for the next 90 days.


A 30 Minute Onboarding & Planning Call

1 Week of Voxer/Email Support for Folloow Up Questions 


I let her know what my top 3 goals were for the upcoming quarter, along with my work hours and current workload. She created a beautifully organized and detailed plan for me to follow each day. I was blown away by her ability to map it all out in a way that made each task feel simple and not overwhelming. And having "due dates" on my tasks has given me the accountability I needed to get things done! It feels so good to go into the next quarter in my business with a solid plan for my time and clear goals to accomplish.


"I worked with Manali to plan out Q3 for Hi Friends Co with her Quarterly Quickstarts and I could not have been more impressed!! Or relieved for that matter — going into Q3 felt HEAVY —but things feel so much lighter now!! I just finished going through the video and going through the Quickstart and this is BEAUTIFUL!! It’s totally above and beyond what I was expecting and I am so excited to implement!!! You are the BEST!!🫶🏻"


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