
BTB Putting Questionnaires In Place as a Wedding & Portrait Photographer

August 29, 2022

I’m Manali
Integrator, business coach and wedding editor based out of Covington KY. Most often found cuddled with my cat Keegan or sipping a cappuccino or wine, dependin' on the hour! 
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I Want To Tune In!

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Have you been wondering exactly how to create an amazing experience for your clients? Or how to help them feel confident every time they show up to a shoot? Do you get overwhelmed when you think of ALL the details you need to ask your brides before photographing their wedding day?

It’s time to get organized with client questionnaires!

I know how intimidating it is trying to setup your systems. “Where do you even start?!” “How do you know what to include?” “How do you make time to tweak them as you go?!” Friend, I’ve been there! But I’ve also seen the impact of making small changes and improving my systems on my ~bottom line.~ Your systems allow you to *thrive* in busy season, ditch the overwhelm to make more money!

As you go to put questionnaires in place, I recommend that you carve out 15 minutes each day for about 1 week! Put your phone on silent, lock the door, whatever you need to get yourself in the ~zone~ We all hate pesky software updates but updating your photo systems and workflows is SO worth it! Create a note where you can write down any updates you need to make. Then set a Google calendar reminder every 3, 6 or 12 months to actually get it done to keep your workflows up to date!

Using client questionnaires will save you HOURS & keep you organized. They’ll help build a super personal experience for your clients and avoid all the back and forth with them making the entire experience for them streamlined & personal!

If you’d like to copy and paste the questionnaires I’ve refined over years of improving my portrait and wedding client experiences, you can shop them HERE!

I love answering any questions you have about workflows so be sure to shoot me a message on Instagram @manalisontakke if you have ay questions about setting up workflow for your creative small business.

New episodes come out every other Monday on YouTube! If you love Behind the Business, be sure to leave a comment and share the show with a friend in the industry!

Cheers to showing up imperfectly & making an impact!


If you’re wondering what the inside of a successful & streamlined photography business looks like, the masterclass is for you! Tune in to this free masterclass to learn how I grew from $600 to $5k weddings and went full-time in less than 1 year without sacrificing my time!

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Manifesting generator, cognitive & computer science major turned business coach + editor

I went from charging $600 per wedding to $5-10K and went full-time within 1 year of starting my biz! Now I help creative small business owners show up confidently behind the scenes with 1:1 business coaching, editing and elevated brand imagery to build a life and business that's equally freeing as it is fulfilling.



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