Friday Fun – Fall, hustling & celebrations!

October 26, 2018

I’m Manali
Integrator, business coach and wedding editor based out of Covington KY. Most often found cuddled with my cat Keegan or sipping a cappuccino or wine, dependin' on the hour! 
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I have kinda dropped the ball on Friday Fun recently but it’s only because there’s a lot that’s been going on!! Fall is crazy busy for photographers! But all the same i so want to take time to hit down parts of the week because I know I’ll want to be able to look back on this time in the future!

  • I’m not going to lie, this week has been tough trying to juggle feeling not so great physically with work at Accenture, shoots, editing all these shoots and a wedding, consultations with potential 2019 brides (I’m getting to welcome some new faces into the family!!) and a big project which I have to keep shut about!!
  • I know people throw out the term “hustle” a lot but I’ve never felt like it applied to me until this past month! And the more I think about it, it’s actually applied to me for a VERY long time so if you’re reading this just take a second and look back at how much you’ve accomplished this year. we get so caught up in moving forward and doing better that we forget to take a second to celebrate how far we’ve come!
  • Celebrating Sachi’s birthday and HER JOB at the winery with friends and then eating SOO MUCH FOOD at Bartaco was fun but also reminded me to think back on us throughout the years and I don’t think neither of us could ever imagine what life is like for us now!!! It’s humbling and really freaking cool!
  • With all the traveling around this week I’ve had some FUN times with transportation! and by fun I mean not so fun! I have an 1.5 commute to work with 3 different modes of transportation and they don’t get along all the time to say it nicely hahaha
  • I accidentally took a slightly different route to work because I couldn’t load my metro card and then came back to the bus stop at my house and was so out of it that I sat staring at the spot I always park in wondering if my car got towed. Really I had just forgotten that I had DRIVEN to the metro that day and this was all right before a client call so needless to say that was a little stressful
  • I’ve never been more thankful to be living at home than during this week because my mom has been my savior this week!! She scooped me up from the bus stop and took me to the metro and saved the day! Also, I generally cook for myself each week but have been eating whatever my parents are having this week which has taken away the added stress/dilemma of figuring out what to eat and to take the time to make it
  • My little brother got his first job offer!!!!! he’s been all around interviewing during this fall and I remember exactly how tiring and exhausting that entire process was during fourth year. I’m so so proud that he has this offer and I know that there’s gonna be many more coming his way soon!
  • Really busy weeks always make me realize how important resting is to doing your best work and living a happy and fulfilling life! So anyone else in a very busy season, I know it’s really hard and feels like the OPPOSITE of what you should be doing but I promise building in some time to rest is SO KEY! Especially if you’re an introvert like I am! My goal for next week is to FINALLY make the pumpkin muffins I got the mix for! until then, Harris teeter’s pumpkin cookies and pumpkin donut holes are going to be tiding me over!!
  • Oh I almost forgot to include the HIGHLIGHT of October!!! going back to UVA for the young alumni reunion a little while ago was SO NICE!!! I was more excited for it than my birthday that’s how much I love YAR. We had a good amount of my friend group back in town and at Saturday brunch I was sitting around the table just trying to soak in what it was like having everyone home again, it was the most beautiful feeling that everything just felt the same and felt right when everyone was back! It was like we had never left!! πŸ™‚

What fall traditions are you guys enjoying and what are you celebrating this week?

If you enjoyed this post, you can binge read some more!

Friday Fun – Turning 23!

Friday Fun – Goodbye Apt 301

Friday Fun – Snoozing, essentialism & PSL’s

View some super gorgeous fall shoots!

Old Town Alexandria Fall Engagement Session

Charlottesville Vineyard & Mountain Engagement Session

Meadowlark Gardens Fall Fusion Wedding

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