I’m sitting here writing this in Charlottesville and prepping content before I head out of the country to Dubai & India! SO this one’s a little oddball and is covering LAST week’s highlights since I’m currently in another country and figuring out how consistently I’ll have wifi hahahaha. So this is what a NORMAL week looks like over here! Things to remember from last week:
- This is just a reminder to me if I look back on this and read this in the future to TRUST my gut and what I know I need to do for my business! It’s really easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, all the education out there and the desire to KEEP adding things to your to-do list and being distracted by that and not crossing off ones that already exist on there!
- Tuesday was the “do all the things day” and started bright and early with a dentist appointment at 8 AM in the morning. It felt so weird having done that AND a ton of work by 10 am! I was able to hop on a couple of calls as well and then spent time at the TuesdaysTogether meet up talking to some incredible ladies about goals for 2019!
- I’m simultaneously reading Michelle Obama’s book and Girl, Wash Your Face! I’ve LOVED hearing about Michelle’s story especially pre-campaign and I love her honesty in the book. I haven’t gotten too far into Girl, Wash Your Face but I HAVE really enjoyed Rachel Hollis’ podcast RISE
- I got to hang out via video chat with ANOTHER 2020 couple which is so crazy!! I can’t believe people are ALREADY reaching out, is this real life?!
- Hahahaha I got a door literally slammed in my face at the bank on Thursday after driving in traffic to get there. I had looked up the hours for a different branch. Thankfully the one in Charlottesville got my stuff notarized within five minutes and saved the day!
- Oh I’ve been doing this killer ab and squat workout and out of all of my goals for this year this one has definitely been the hardest to keep BUT it’s a work in progress! I’m just glad no one sees me during this workout because sometimes I end up flopping over like a fish when I can’t do specific moves that are HARD. My goal is to be able to get through each of the 10 minute workouts without stopping by the end of the year! I know that sounds really easy but they have zero breaks in them to begin with so it’s harder than it sounds!
- After talking to Elise over Instagram for MONTHS I finally got to meet her in person which was awesome!! She’s a wedding planner based out of Charlottesville VA and it was so fun getting to talk to her, hear more about her story and see how even though we do different things, we had really similar stories to swap!
- AND as this publishes, I’ll be spending some time with Jontell & Xiaoqi enjoying a bit of downtime together at Veritas Vineyard so that’ll definitely be fun! I’m trying to learn to be ok with not working strict 9 – 5 hours. I do generally stick to these hours but also end up working a little longer to accommodate client consults in the evening! BUT I make my own schedule and am still getting used to that idea haha
Image taken while second shooting for Hannah Smith Photography
That’s it for this week, if you want to binge read some other Friday Funs, here they are!